Novel proteins in pet food from microbes to bison

On one extreme, researchers explore means of producing protein from cells and microbes, pushing the bounds of technology. On the other, formulators look to ancient sources of protein raised in ways that regenerate the planet’s degraded ecosystems.

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Dall·e 2023 05 18 13 59 43 Cat Eating From Bowl, Vaporwave
created by Tim Wall using DALL-E 2

Pet food proteins range as widely as those eaten by people. On one extreme, researchers explore means of producing protein from cells and microbes, pushing the bounds of technology. On the other, formulators look to ancient sources of protein raised` in ways that regenerate the planet’s degraded ecosystems. Both have the same essential goal of providing necessary amino acids for pet health, but they arrive in different ways. Likewise, whether from labs, prairies or vertical farms, novel pet food protein sources often seek to reduce agriculture’s effects on ecosystems. These recent articles and new product listings reflect the range of novel pet food proteins from the microscopic to the massive.

Midwestern Pet Foods Ultimates Bison Meal & Rice

Midwestern Pet Foods is a fourth-generation, family-owned business headquartered in Evansville, Indiana, USA. The company produces its dry pet food and treats in four, company-owned and operated kitchens in the U.S. It offers 100% recyclable packaging through the Earthborn ReBorn program.

Savannah Pet Food Hypoallergenic Ostrich Protein Treats

The Hypoallergenic Novel Protein dog treats are specially designed for dogs that suffer from food allergies and intolerances. The treats are grain-free and made from ostrich meat, tendons and bones.

Digestibility of mealworms as pet food ingredients

Scientists measured protein quality and amino acid composition and digestibility of four varieties of mealworm products.

Cell-cultured slurry may have advantages over muscle meat

Cell-cultured chicken slurry may be on par with conventional poultry meat in terms of its carbon footprint.

Microbial protein provides all amino acids for pet food

Scientists compared fermented microbial protein with chicken meal, corn gluten meal, pea protein and black soldier fly larvae.

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