Devoted Pet Foods premium grain-free dog food


Devoted Pet Foods offers three varieties of premium grain-free dog food: Scottish Salmon, Duck with Trout and Free-Run Chicken. Developed alongside the UK’s leading pet nutritionists, Devoted dog food contains no cereal, wheat or rice and is specifically designed to work in harmony with dogs’ natural digestive, energy and dietary needs, according to the company. To allow dogs efficient digestion all Devoted formulations contain 60% high-grade animal meat content and 40% vegetable content including complex carbohydrates such as sweet potato, potato, lentils and chickpeas.", "Devoted’s combination of natural ingredients with added vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 oils means that each variety is both hypoallergenic and gentle, even on the most sensitive stomachs. Glucosamine, MSM and chondroitin are also added to each variety to promote joint health and mobility, while prebiotics MOS and FOS are added to aid digestion.