Vestkorn fababean protein concentrate

Vestkorn Fababean Protein Concentrate

Vestkorn is now introducing a new binder and a new vegetable source of protein, namely fababean protein concentrate with a protein content of 65% and a fababean starch concentrate with up to 20% protein. All products 100% natural and made by the use of dry milling and air classification. 

 Faba beans (Vicia faba) are a type of pulse or legume, a plant group that also includes lentils, beans, chickpeas, lupins and soybeans. Faba beans are also known by many other names including broad bean, fava bean, field bean, horse bean and tic bean. The faba beans used by Vestkorn are all farmed in Europe and are low tannin varieties.  Faba beans are well suited to growing conditions in Northern Europe and are an ideal source of good quality nutrition and in particular as a source of protein as well as starch.  Faba beans are a highly sustainable crop as they have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules in their roots so they have lower fertilizer requirements than other crops and are ideal for rotation with cereals and other food crops.