Video: Crickets becoming new protein source in pet treats

Learn about using crickets as a main source of protein in pet food in this video from Petfood Forum 2016.

FOTER.COM | Yann 07
FOTER.COM | Yann 07

Novel proteins, including exotic proteins such as kangaroo and boar, have been a hot topic at Petfood Forum this week in Kansas City. Another unusual protein that has been discussed recently is cricket.

Petfood Industry interviewed Serge Boutet, owner of SBNutrinnov Consultants, at the 2016 Petfood Innovation Workshop to get his take on using crickets as the main protein source in pet treats.

According to Boutet, crickets are sustainable, environmentally sound and use less water to produce a kilo of protein as compared to beef, pork or fish. According to Boutet, insect proteins are poised to be the future of the pet food industry and for human consumption. Watch the video below to learn more.

Can't make it to Petfood Forum 2016? Follow the latest show news at #petfoodforum on Twitter.

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