Innovative nutrition solutions for pets

New, unique and improved technology and research efforts for improving companion animal food ingredients and well-being. Sponsored by Trouw Nutrition.

Tasco: Ahead of the Seaweed Trend

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Tasco superfood

Seaweed is all the rage in human cuisine. It’s good for pets too.



Functional pet food ingredients driving new formulations

Functional Pet Food

As customers continue to demand more from their pets’ food, functional ingredients are making their way into all types of pet food formulations.

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Canada’s Bay of Fundy source of Tasco superfood

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Bay of Fundy

This bay is home to some of the largest tides on earth. In some parts of the bay, waters can rise 53 feet from low tide to high tide. The plants that grow there must be able to endure many environmental assaults. Learn more about the benefits of adding Tasco to pet food. 

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A hand-harvested, sustainable pet food ingredient 

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Tasco kelp

The seaweed plants produce the highest levels of protective compounds in the summer, when ultraviolet radiation is at its peak. Tasco is harvested from June through September to capture the surge in protective molecules. Tasco is naturally grown, collected and processed in a way that promotes environmental sustainability. Learn more about Tasco as a natural choice for pet food. 



Pet food feeding trials address breed, novel ingredients

Persian Cat Face

Just as there is no data on how certain ingredients affect dogs and cats, information does not always exist on specific breeds’ nutritional needs and sensitivities.

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Tasco: Superfood of the sea

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Tasco superfood

Trouw Nutrition’s functional ingredient, Tasco, is harvested and processed in a unique way to retain all of the plants nutrients. Learn more about adding Tasco to your pet food.


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