New pet food product launches down during 2020 pandemic

New pet food and treat launches in the first third of 2020 fell far behind previous years’ number of product introductions.

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(Image by Andrea Gantz)
(Image by Andrea Gantz)

New pet food and treat launches in the first third of 2020 fell far behind previous years’ number of product introductions, according to pet food market analysts with Mintel in a report commissioned by Tree Top Ingredients. From January through April, 169 new pet foods and treats launched in the United States market. In 2017, that number stood at 632. Likewise in 2018, pet food and treat manufacturers had introduced 618 pet food products by the end of April. New product launches in 2019 were somewhat lower at 510, but were still more than three times higher than this year.

Marketing claim trends in new pet food products

Of the new products launched in the 12 months preceding February 2020, 15% of pet foods were marketed as “all natural.” Organic claims appeared on 3% of new products. Mintel’s analysts stated that these numbers have increased during the past five years. Organic marketing claims may influence younger pet owners more than older people. Approximately 25% of pet owners aged 18-34 rated organic ingredients as a significant purchase factor, according to Mintel. In the over-55 age group, only 9% considered organic production as a significant influence on their purchases.

From 2017 to 2019, new pet foods and treats marketed with probiotic claims increased as well, although they fell this year. From January through April in 2017, 69 new pet food products launched with probiotic marketing claims. By 2018, there were 99 newly launched products marketed as probiotics in the first third of the year. Last year, 136 new probiotic pet foods and treats launched between January and April. New probiotic pet food and treat launches fell to 52 as of the end of April 2020.

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