Cross-currents in pet food expectations

Pet owners provide clear preferences in surveys, but their actual purchases don’t always bear their thoughts out.

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Pet owners treat their pets like family, and with that comes the same conflicts of desire vs. practicality in pet food purchasing that exist in human food purchasing.
Pet owners treat their pets like family, and with that comes the same conflicts of desire vs. practicality in pet food purchasing that exist in human food purchasing.
SeanShot |

Americans have long depended on their household pets for companionship, such that a large majority consider their pets to be family members. Packaged Facts’ January 2024 Survey of Pet Owners shows 76% strongly agreeing that their pets are “part of the family,” while another 17% somewhat agree (see Table 1). That leaves 5% neither agreeing nor disagreeing, and only 2% somewhat or strongly disagreeing. The extremely low levels of disagreement are the most telling stats here: Dog or cat owners who don’t consider themselves pet parents are an endangered species.

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