Wild Earth makes cruelty-free dog food their mission

Learn about Wild Earth, a cruelty-free (plant-based) dog food company aiming to provide sustainable products to pet owners.

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According to CEO Ryan Bethencourt (here with Labrador Retriever Forrest), Wild Earth’s aim is to use science and innovation to create cruelty-free dog food that meets nutritional goals without the need for animal-sourced ingredients.
According to CEO Ryan Bethencourt (here with Labrador Retriever Forrest), Wild Earth’s aim is to use science and innovation to create cruelty-free dog food that meets nutritional goals without the need for animal-sourced ingredients.
Courtesy Wild Earth

Alternative proteins are gaining ground in the pet food space as pet owners look for ways to combine sustainability with nutrition. That’s where pet food company Wild Earth steps in on both fronts, with its cruelty-free, vegan dog food formulations made with clean ingredients.

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