Mutt Madness contest for animal organizations

Talk-show host, celebrity cook and face of the Nutrish line of dog food, Rachael Ray, has announced a Mutt Madness Award Program, which began August 6 and aims to disburse more than US$200,000 as proceeds to nonprofit animal organizations, according to a news report.

Talk-show host, celebrity cook and face of the Nutrish line of dog food, Rachael Ray, has announced a  Mutt Madness Award Program , which began August 6 and aims to disburse more than US$200,000 as proceeds to nonprofit animal organizations, according to a news  report .

The last date for filling out the online entry forms is September 20, 2009. Only organizations that are registered 501(c)(3) charities and employ no-kill practices are eligible to compete.

The top 64 organizations will be selected to face-off in a March Madness style-competition. All finalists will receive US$1,000 and a chance to win more money.

The winner is expected to be announced in early December.

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