Former teacher opens homemade petfood business

Lynn "Nahnee" LaPointe, who worked as an educator in the Van Buren Public Schools for 27 years, has opened Nahnee's Nibbles, a business in Wayne, Mich., USA, that provides homemade meals for pets, according to an article from The Belleville View.

Lynn "Nahnee" LaPointe, who worked as an educator in the Van Buren Public Schools for 27 years, has opened Nahnee's Nibbles, a business in Wayne, Mich., USA, that provides homemade meals for pets, according to an  article  from The Belleville View .

The inspiration for  Nahnee's Nibbles  came after LaPointe's dog Bear was experiencing digestive issues and his veterinarian recommended a temporary diet of ground beef and rice. Because Bear responded so well to a natural food diet, LaPointe decided to develop other recipes.

"Nahnee's Nibbles has a collection of recipes offering a flavorful variety to suit a pet's individual tastes preferences and are sure to please even the most discriminating tastes," said Karen Reich, business partner and daughter of LaPointe.

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