Natural Balance recalls sweet potato and chicken dry dog food

Natural Balance Pet Foods Inc. recalled its Natural Balance sweet potato and chicken dry dog food. The recall applies to the 5 pound and 28 pound bags of the food.

Natural Balance Pet Foods Inc. recalled its Natural Balance sweet potato and chicken dry dog food.

The recall applies to the 5 pound and 28 pound bags of the food. The bags were manufactured on Dec. 17, 2009, with a “Best By” date of June 17, 2011, according to Joey Herrick, Natural Balance president. The affected food was voluntarily recalled after a random sampling of the product tested positive for Salmonella by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). No complaints have been filed about the food and no illnesses have been reported, according to Herrick.

Anyone who purchased the recalled product should return it the store where it was purchased for a full refund.

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