AFIA awards Dr. Fahey for petfood, animal nutrition contributions

The Federation of Animal Science Societies and the American Feed Industry Association recognized George C. Fahey Jr., Ph.D., professor of animal sciences and nutritional sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with the FASS-AFIA New Frontiers in Animal Nutrition award. A committee of FASS members selected Fahey to receive the award, which is given to stimulate and reward innovative research relevant to the nutrition of animals and petfood.

Dr. Clay Zimmerman (left) presents the New Frontiers award to Dr. George Fahey (right).
Dr. Clay Zimmerman (left) presents the New Frontiers award to Dr. George Fahey (right).

The Federation of Animal Science Societies and the American Feed Industry Association recognized George C. Fahey Jr., Ph.D., professor of animal sciences and nutritional sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with the FASS-AFIA New Frontiers in Animal Nutrition award.

A committee of FASS members selected Fahey to receive the award, which is given to stimulate and reward innovative research relevant to the nutrition of animals and petfood. The award was presented to Fahey by AFIA's Nutrition Committee chairman, Clay Zimmerman, Ph.D., during a July conference of animal-science societies in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Dr. Fahey has specialized in companion animal nutrition for UIUC since 1976. He has contributed to the areas of carbohydrate nutrition, with a special interest in the areas of dietary fiber, oligosaccharides, resistant starch and comparative nutrition in animal and human diets. Dr. Fahey’s research has helped the pet industry produce optimal animal food and feed.

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