Silliker plans 2012 food safety short courses for petfood manufacturers

Food safety and nutrition services company Silliker has planned a range of food and petfood safety short courses throughout 2012. Petfood manufacturers may register for any of the company's 20 short courses planned from January through September 2012.

Food safety and nutrition services company Silliker has planned a range of food and petfood safety short courses throughout 2012.

Petfood manufacturers may register for any of the company's 20 short courses planned from January through September 2012. Some topics include: Crisis Management and Food Defense in a Food Plant; BRC- How to Interpret the Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 6; Microbiological Concerns in Food Plant Sanitation; Advanced HACCP: Managing Your HACCP System; and Effective Environmental Monitoring Aseptic Techniques.

Those interested in attending can get more information on specific courses and dates, and can register on Silliker's website. Those who register before December 31 will receive a 10% discount with 2011 pricing, the company says.

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