Petfood maker Purina, Jenny Craig help pets, owners lose weight

Petfood manufacturer Nestle Purina is teaming up with Jenny Craig in a new online program that aims to help pet owners and their pets lose weight. The program, "Project: Pet Slim Down," lets pet owners that sign up obtain tips for exercising with their pet, record exercise performed, track weight loss and share photos with other users.

Petfood manufacturer Nestle Purina is teaming up with Jenny Craig in a new online program that aims to help pet owners and their pets lose weight.

The program, "Project: Pet Slim Down," lets pet owners that sign up obtain tips for exercising with their pet, record exercise performed, track weight loss and share photos with other users.

The British Pet Health Council, an association of veterinary and medical professionals, in cooperation with Mars Petcare is offering a similar health and fitness program for pets and their owners under the name "Petsercise."

"The obesity epidemic is not limited to people," said Lisa Talamini, vice president of research and program innovation at Jenny Craig, in a statement. "Two-thirds of adults in the US are overweight or obese, and more than half of all pets in the country are also battling the bulge."

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