Interzoo cautions exhibitors of EU petfood importation requirements

Interzoo show organizers are encouraging exhibitors for the pet product show to check in well ahead of the May event to ensure the petfood from their country is allowed to be imported into the EU and Germany and avoid problems with Border Inspection Posts. According to show organizers, in principle, food for pets and ornamental fish that contains animal by-products may only be imported from third countries that meet requirements of the valid version of Chapter II Section 1, Table 2, No. 12 of Regulation (EC) 142/2011.

Interzoo show organizers are encouraging exhibitors for the pet product show to check in well ahead of the May event to ensure the petfood from their country is allowed to be imported into the EU and Germany and avoid problems with Border Inspection Posts.

According to show organizers, in principle, food for pets and ornamental fish that contains animal by-products may only be imported from third countries that meet requirements of the valid version of Chapter II Section 1, Table 2, No. 12 of Regulation (EC) 142/2011. In exceptional cases, companies can apply for an import license if petfood from unlisted third countries and companies is to be imported for exhibition purposes only, which requires the petfood must be rendered harmless and disposed of at the importer's cost at the end of the exhibition.

The pet product exhibition's organizers say each consignment of petfood must be registered for inspection by the official veterinarian at an approved Border Inspection Post by submitting a Common Veterinary Entry Document, at least one working day in advance, in accordance with Regulation (EC) 136/2004.

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