Pet insurance company lists top pet poisoning causes of 2011

According to the North American Pet Health Association, more than 100,000 cases of pet poisoning were reported in the US in 2011. Embrace Pet Insurance looked into its claims database to find the top causes of pet poisoning in dogs and cats in 2011: chocolate, raisins, mushrooms, xylitol sweetener and grapes.

According to the North American Pet Health Association, more than 100,000 cases of pet poisoning were reported in the US in 2011.

Embrace Pet Insurance looked into its claims database to find the top causes of pet poisoning in dogs and cats in 2011: chocolate, raisins, mushrooms, xylitol sweetener and grapes. Among other top poisonous foods were vitamins, bones, rawhide, corn cobs, macadamia nuts, coffee and avocado.

Embrace Pet Insurance says pet poisoning symptoms can include gastrointestinal and neurological problems, cardiac and respiratory distress, coma and even death, depending on the type and amount consumed.

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