Greenies brand hosts video contest for free pet treats

Petfood manufacturer The Nutro Company's Greenies brand is hosting its inaugural "The Greenies Awards," an online video contest where participants compete for a chance to win a lifetime supply of Greenies chews or treats for their pets.

Petfood manufacturer The Nutro Company's Greenies brand is hosting its inaugural "The Greenies Awards," an online video contest where participants compete for a chance to win a lifetime supply of Greenies chews or treats for their pets.

From June 13–29, pet owners can submit an original video less than one minute long of the creative things their pet will do for a Greenies treat on the brand's Facebook page. Cats and dogs are both eligible to be chosen as the winner in the categories of: Best Vocal Performance for a Greenies treat, Best Trick for a Greenies treat or Best Smile for a Greenies treat. A lifetime supply of treats will be given to the winner in each category.

A panel of judges will select five finalists in each contest category, and these finalists will then be scored by a combination of judges' votes and Facebook fan votes to select the grand-prize winners in each category.

More information, including contest rules, is available on the Greenies Facebook page.

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