New online dog food company to donate to shelter animals

A new online dog food company recently launched its business with the goal of providing petfood to shelter animals across the US. BOGO Bowl, based in Des Moines, Iowa, USA, intends to donate one bag of dog food to a shelter of the customer's choice for every bag of dog food purchased through the website.

BOGO Bowl intends to donate one bag of petfood to an animal shelter of the customer's choice for each bag of dog food purchased online.
BOGO Bowl intends to donate one bag of petfood to an animal shelter of the customer's choice for each bag of dog food purchased online.

A new online dog food company recently launched its business with the goal of providing petfood to shelter animals across the US.

BOGO Bowl, based in Des Moines, Iowa, USA, intends to donate one bag of dog food to a shelter of the customer's choice for every bag of dog food purchased through the website. BOGO Bowl produces seven varieties of dog food in the US.

“I got the idea for the business while serving as the president and programs chair of The Pet Project Midwest," said BOGO Bowl CEO Sara Henderson. "I saw the constant need for food, which helps shelters keep costs down so fewer animals are euthanized."

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