Mexican pet food industry concentrated in 5 states

Of the 134 pet food companies based in Mexico, five states produce nearly 95 percent of the nation’s dog and cat food.

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A tourist's dog sits outside a church in Bernal, Queretaro, Mexico. | (Quasarphoto |
A tourist's dog sits outside a church in Bernal, Queretaro, Mexico. | (Quasarphoto |

Of the 134 pet food companies based in Mexico, five states produce nearly 95 percent of the nation’s dog and cat food. Ivan Franco, founder of Triplethree International Market Research, shared that information during the opening session of Foro Mascotas 2018 on May 31 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Domestically produced pet food accounts for the majority of dog and cat food sold in the Mexican market. Only approximately four percent of Mexico’s pet food is imported, said Fabian Ortiz, general director of animal feed services company AMEXFAL, in response to a question during Franco’s presentation.

Mars Petcare dominates production in Querétaro

The state of Querétaro makes the largest percentage of Mexico’s total pet food production at 29.5 percent, said Franco. However, only six companies are based in Querétaro, but they include industry giant Mars.

In 2017, Mars completed construction on a second pet food plant in Querétaro, reported El Economista. That factory was projected to double Mars Petcare’s production in the state when it comes online in mid-2018. By 2020, the pet food plant may provide 500 jobs, of which 50 percent are earmarked for women. The plant represented an investment of US$50 million. Mexico accounts for approximately half of Mars Petcares’ market in Latin America, making it the largest in the region, with Pedigree and Wiskas as particularly important brands.

Other centers of production for Mexican pet foods

The second highest percentage of total pet food production occurs in the State of Mexico, where 16 different companies produce 27.3 percent of the nation’s pet food. The State of Mexico surrounds Mexico City on three sides. The 33 pet food companies based in Mexico City make 19.2 percent of the country’s pet food.

Jalisco, famous for its tequila industry, also produces 11.7 percent of Mexico’s pet food with 27 pet food companies based in the state. The 14 pet food companies based in Guanajuato produce 6.9 percent of the nation’s total.

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