UK dog food brand launches meat-like wet vegan product

Vegan pet food company Omni is using a proprietary technology to create a meaty texture in a new wet dog food.

Omni offers vegan dry dog food and now has launched a wet food with a meaty texture.
Omni offers vegan dry dog food and now has launched a wet food with a meaty texture.
Courtesy Omni

Omni, a U.K.-based vegan pet food business, has rolled out its first meat-like vegan dog food product. At the same time, the company is planning to expand its international presence in the near future by launching sales across Western Europe, according to a senior company representative.

Co-founder Guy Sandelowsky told that Omni’s key markets comprise Western European countries where the company hopes to secure a major share of their respective vegan pet food sales. “We make our wet food in the Netherlands and Poland, and will be selling throughout Europe, focusing initially on Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Switzerland,” he said.

Proprietary technology to avoid mushy vegan food

Omni’s latest product launch is in line with the company’s strategy to offer a healthy but also enjoyable experience to pets that consume vegan pet food, Sandelowsky said in a recently released statement.

“Where previous plant-based wet pet foods have been quite mushy and stodgy, Omni’s Complete Dog Food uses proprietary technology to create meaty textures that set the range apart and give dogs the juicy and fibrous mouth feel they crave from their food,” he said. “In just two weeks, we have already had superb feedback and the range is flying out of the door.”

Omni was founded by two business partners with different professional backgrounds. Sandelowsky is a veterinary surgeon, while Shiv Sivakumar is a former investment banker. They have jointly launched the brand, working on Omni’s pet food in close cooperation with the U.K.’s Nottingham Veterinary School and a group of experts in the field of veterinary nutrition. Some of these experts worked with the European Pet Food Industry association (FEDIAF), according to data from the company.

Growing global market for vegan pet food

Omni says it hopes to establish itself as a major player in the plant-based pet food market, which is estimated to be worth £18 billion (US$22.3 billion) globally by 2028.

“We know that our food system has to change to become healthier and more sustainable for the sake of the planet and future generations,” Sandelowsky said. “This change will be driven by science-led innovation, such as what we’re doing at Omni. With this range, we can deliver the exact nutrition and enjoyment without any animal agriculture and slaughter.”

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