Prins Petfoods and Snow Blizzard join forces

Prins Petfoods partners with Snow Blizzard to prepare race dogs for future Iditarod.

As of November 2020 Prins Petfoods is going to be a sponsor and partner of the Snow Blizzard Iditarod Foundation, an ambitious sled dog team that wants to participate in the Iditarod, a sled dog race in Alaska, in January 2024. They do this partly to raise money for the charity Spieren voor Spieren. To achieve this, they need to train a lot, build a strong team and organize all circumstances so the dogs can deliver a top performance. Good and healthy muscles are essential in top sport, both for humans and animals. Together with a dog physiotherapist and a veterinarian a lot of attention is paid to muscle research.

Prins will guide, monitor and provide the dogs with the right nutrition during their training and the race. This way, Snow Blizzard Iditarod and Prins Petfoods will join forces for better animal welfare.  The positive effects of the 100% natural pressed kibble, in this case the specially developed SportCare products for sport dogs, will also be examined because it can provide a lower stomach load. These dogs, top athletes of their kind, also deserve the right food and care that suits their training. 

With these studies, both parties want to see what effect nutrition and supplements have on the muscles and overall health of dogs and show that preventive intervention and support ensures better fitness and sports performance. Everything is aimed at treating these dogs more and more as the top athletes they are, with the right nutrients, customized training, physiotherapy and the aftercare that comes with it. 

Snow Blizzard Iditarod is run by musher (trainer) Ron de Ruiter and his team. He has been working with sled dogs for over 20 years and the idea to participate in the Iditarod was born because, after a personal experience, he wanted to give something back to society, inspire and help both humans and animals. More about the cooperation with ‘Spieren for Spieren’ will follow later. November 3rd Ron will leave for Norway to start the first training season. Through these channels you can keep track of the progress and further updates about the cooperation. 


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