CVM cancels regulatory policy

AFIA commends decision that has hindered U.S. animal food ingredient innovation.

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) commends the Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) for rescinding a nearly 30-year-old regulatory policy that has hindered U.S. animal food ingredient innovation. AFIA sees this as a positive step towards fostering advancements in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture production, along with improvements in food safety, environmental sustainability and animal well-being.

Constance Cullman, president and CEO of AFIA, stated, “The AFIA appreciates the CVM's commitment to withdrawing outdated policies, but more action is needed. Congress, it's time to pass the bipartisan Innovative Feed Enhancement and Economic Development (Innovative FEED) Act (H.R.6687 and S. 1842), providing the FDA with essential tools to establish a regulatory pathway for American animal food manufacturers.”

The FDA's 1998 Program Policy and Procedures Manual Guide 1240.3605 has faced criticism for impeding the timely and cost-effective introduction of beneficial animal food ingredients. AFIA, alongside animal producers and federal officials, argues that the strict interpretation of the CVM categorizes these products as drugs, subjecting them to lengthy and inappropriate drug review procedures. The Innovative FEED Act aims to provide a regulatory review pathway for animal food ingredients impacting the microbiome, food safety or the environment.

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