PET South America 2014 event drew more than 24,000 visitors

PET South America’s 13th annual event drew 24,117 visitors from October 28-30, 2014, including veterinarians, zoo technicians, breeders, pet shop owners and groomers.

PET South America's 13th annual event drew 24,117 visitors from October 28-30, 2014, including veterinarians, zoo technicians, breeders, pet shop owners and groomers. About 350 Brazilian and international brands exhibited in the areas of petfood, hygiene, beauty, animal health and accessories.

Thematic pavillions included the Acqua Ecosystem Pavilion, which offered lectures and product presentations in the fields of aquarism, as well as lake and aquatic landscape design. The Paulista Veterinary Specialties Congress drew 1,537 attendees from several veterinary segments, and the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of the State of São Paulo offered free lectures. Other simultaneous events rated highly by participants were the 10th Management and Marketing Seminar and the first Meeting of Animal Behavior Therapists, which debuted at the 2014 event.

"PET South America again confirmed its position as a benchmark in the pet and veterinary market in Brazil, drawing a highly qualified audience and promoting businesses and congresses that add value to the field of veterinary medicine and the development of this important sector for the country," said Laura Snitovsky, development manager for NürnbergMesse Brasil, the event organizer.

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