Petfood Forum 2019 offers executive panels, new research

Petfood Forum 2019 features panel discussions comprised of pet food and other industry executives, plus concurrent sessions on the latest pet food research.

John Grossman, Images Photographics
John Grossman, Images Photographics

The Petfood Forum 2019 program features several panel discussions comprised of pet food and other industry executives addressing pet food e-commerce and retailing, science vs. marketing in pet food product development, the future of the pet food market and an update on the investigation into atypical cases of canine dilated cardiomyopathy and grain-free pet food.

The panel discussions are scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, May 1, the last day of Petfood Forum, and follow general sessions in the morning on the omnichannel nature of today’s pet food retail market and results of a survey of how dog owners from various global markets choose their dogs’ food.

On Tuesday, April 30, the first full day of Petfood Forum, the conference program will kick off with an opening keynote by Katy Nelson, D.V.M, host and executive producer of “The Pet Show with Dr. Katy” and associate veterinarian at the Belle Haven Animal Medical Centre in Alexandria, Virginia, on how pet nutrition and health nurture the human-animal bond. General sessions that morning will cover the evolution of premiumization in pet food and recent pet food litigation and class-action lawsuits, followed by concurrent sessions in the afternoon featuring the latest research on pet food nutrition, ingredients, marketing and packaging, safety and processing.

Petfood Forum 2019 will also include an exhibit hall comprised of the industry’s leading suppliers. A new display in the exhibit hall will highlight the stages of the pet food extrusion process, with attendees able to learn more about each stage through interactive stations.

The conference opens with an evening reception on Monday, April 29. For the full schedule and program, visit

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