Charlee Bear Products, Dogbook, Guide Dogs of America team up for treat donations

Charlee Bear Products, a dog treat maker, has teamed up with Dogbook, a virtual and mobile social network for dog lovers, and Guide Dogs of America for the first Web-based “Dogs Helping Dogs” charity giveaway. Charlee Bear will donate 10 treats to Guide Dogs of America for every new user that joins Dogbook at, with an ultimate goal of donating 100,000 treats.

Charlee Bear Products, a dog treat maker, has teamed up with Dogbook, a virtual and mobile social network for dog lovers, and Guide Dogs of America for the first Web-based “Dogs Helping Dogs” charity giveaway.

Charlee Bear will donate 10 treats to Guide Dogs of America for every new user that joins Dogbook at, with an ultimate goal of donating 100,000 treats.

Charlee Bear Products is excited to work with Dogbook on its ‘Dogs Helping Dogs’ giveaway,” says Ava Olsen, brand manager for Charlee Bear. “Our company was founded on the important and wonderful relationship between people and dogs, and working with Guide Dogs of America is a fantastic opportunity to reinforce this bond.”

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