US petfood distribution program ships 200th petfood truckload

Rescue Bank, a nationwide US petfood distribution program for animal rescue groups, recently shipped its 200th truck, delivering 27,000 pounds of dog food, cat food and treats to Angel's Arms, an affiliate in Mobile, Alabama, USA. The petfood shipment allowed Angel's Arms to help local rescuers with several recent puppy mill and hoarder raids, recovering hundreds of pets in dire need of better care and nutrition.

Rescue Bank, a nationwide US petfood distribution program for animal rescue groups, recently shipped its 200th truck, delivering 27,000 pounds of dog food, cat food and treats to Angel's Arms, an affiliate in Mobile, Alabama, USA.

The petfood shipment allowed Angel's Arms to help local rescuers with several recent puppy mill and hoarder raids, recovering hundreds of pets in dire need of better care and nutrition.

"I would like give a special thanks to Angel Arms Rescue for starting the food bank program in this region," said manager for the City of Prichard's Animal Resource Services, Andrew Stubbs.

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