Partner in Pet Food to acquire Polish Mispol pet food

Partner in Pet Food, a pet food manufacturer based in Hungary, reached an agreement with NDX Group, a privately held investment firm based in Lithuania, to buy the Mispol Group pet food company.

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photo by Andrea Gantz
photo by Andrea Gantz

Partner in Pet Food, a pet food manufacturer headquartered in Hungary, plans to acquire Mispol, a Poland-based pet food maker. Partner in Pet Food will buy the Polish pet food company from NDX Group, a privately held investment firm based in Lithuania.

Partner in Pet Food current data

Partner in Pet Food had an annual revenue of US$354,170,000 in 2020, according to Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data. The company’s brands include Dax, Nutrilove, Polaris, PreVital, Propesko, Shelma, Reno, VitalBite and private label varieties.

Adapted from a press release:

The transaction is expected to be completed in the coming months, subject to customary regulatory approvals and contractual closing conditions. The Mispol Group, established in 1997, in Białystok, Poland, produces pet food for Polish and international customers, including supermarkets and specialty pet food retailers. Partner in Pet Food executives believe that Mispol’s geographic presence and growth prospects reflects Partners in Pet Food’s strategy to further expand its business and develop product offering in all categories. 

This transaction follows Partner in Pet Food’s recent acquisition of Doggy, a leading Swedish pet food manufacturer, in September 2020, and the acquisition of Landini Giuntini in Italy in January 2021. This is the second successful deal between NDX Group and Partner in Pet Food following the acquisition of Doggy.

“With its strong footprint in Poland and successful growth, Mispol represents a significant opportunity for us to further expand our local presence,” Gerald Kuehr, CEO of Partner in Pet Food, said in a press release.

About Partner in Pet Food and NDX Group

Headquartered in Hungary, Partner in Pet Food is a pet food manufacturer with ten manufacturing operations across Europe. Partner in Pet Food supplies pet food to more than 600 customers in Europe, including traditional retailers, discounters, speciality pet retailers and online specialists. Its product range covers the main categories of dog and cat food including wet and dry food including single serve products. Established in 1999, the company employs more than 2,000 people and produces close to 700,000 tons of pet food per annum, distributed across 40 countries in Europe.

Investment company NDX Group owns food and consumer good production companies in Central and Eastern Europe, including baby food and canned food manufacturer Novofruct in Slovakia, canned food manufacturer Kvinfud in Belarus, and pet food manufacturer Mispol with production facilities in Poland and Czech Republic. NDX also owns 49.9% of shares CHS INVESTMENT GROUP, UAB, owning security services providers in Lithuania and Latvia. At the end of 2020, NDX Group companies had 2,186 employees.

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