Pet food communication tools: Cloud-based communications

Cloud-based computing technology can help pet food companies to communicate across departments and with other organizations.

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Cloud-based computing technology can help pet food companies to communicate across departments and with other organizations. Professionals with marketing communications firm Woodruff shared their advice on how pet food companies can leverage cloud computing to benefit their business.

If a company spans multiple departments, locations and time zones, cloud computing can provide a centralized place to store documents. This allows collaboration across offices without the lag time of emailing files. Likewise, it helps pet food professionals avoid confusion resulting from multiple versions of a document being created simultaneously.

“The great things about cloud computing is that it’s much more efficient to share information,” said Brittany VanMaele, Woodruff’s social media manager. “You don’t have to worry if you have the right info in your email.”

Cloud computing streamlines pet food company communications

Instead, all employees involved in the workflow share the same files on a central cloud-based system. The benefit becomes more pronounced when multiple companies collaborate on a project, such as when an outside public relations firm is working with a pet food company.

“How cloud computing is used depends on size of company,” said Janine Smiley, senior public relations strategist with Woodruff. For example, a larger company probably integrates with outside companies. Cloud tools allow us to share our messaging and situation briefs to ensure consistency, while continuing to update those messages, so there not a lot of versioning.”

Sharing files on the cloud can prevent a pet food professional from referencing outdated product information, for example. In a crisis, a cloud-based document can help keep everyone on the same page as the situation develops and thus avoid a PR faux pas.

Woodruff’s professionals recommended Google Drive, Egnyte or DropBox as cloud-based computing tools for the pet food industry.

Pet food communication tools series

This article is part of a series on communications tools that pet food companies can use for crisis management, as well as for maintaining an active social media presence.

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