Pet ownership and dog, cat food sales in Latin America 2023

Throughout Latin America both pet ownership and pet food sales dynamics have been changing.

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Throughout Latin America both pet ownership and pet food sales have been changing. People continue moving to cities, which makes owning large dogs more difficult and increases demand for cats and small dogs. During their presentation at Foro Mascotas 2023 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico on June 1 and 2, Alberto Trueba of Euromonitor International and Luis Montoya of Reading Bakery Systems shared data about pet ownership and retail sales for several Latin American nations collected by Euromonitor.

Country-specific information about the Latin American pet food market


  • US$715 million in retail cat food sales in Mexico forecast for 2023
  • 1,211.18 thousand tons of pet food sold per year currently
  • 13% of households own a cat
  • 81% of pet owners in Mexico feed dry food daily


  • US$362 million in retail cat food sales forecast for Colombia in 2023
  • Premium brands are expected to account for 18% of all cat food sales
  • 516.71 thousand tons of pet food sold per year currently
  • 16% of Colombian households own a cat


  • US$1.4 billion in retail value sales of dog and cat food expected in 2023
  • Premium dog and cat food accounts for 18% of retail value sales in 2023
  • 391.79 thousand tons of pet food sold per year currently
  • Nearly 58% of households in Chile own a dog
  • Small dogs account for 47% of the dog population in Chile


  • US$7.6 billion in dog and cat retail sales forecast for Brazil in 2023
  • Premium to account for 16% of those sales
  • 2,865.04 thousand tons of pet food sold per year currently
  • 52% of Brazilian househods own a dog and 23% own a cat
  • 15% of Brazilian pet owners prepare pet food from scratch daily, 18% weekly


  • US$404 million in dog and cat retail sales expected for Peru in 2023
  • 88 thousand tons of pet food sold per year currently
  • 53% of Peruvian households own a dog
  • 23% of Peruvian households own a cat
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