AIB International, Kansas State University to host FSMA workshop

AIB International and Kansas State University’s IGP Institute have joined forces to help petfood companies meet new federal regulations.

AIB International and Kansas State University’s IGP Institute have joined forces to help petfood companies meet new federal regulations. The AIB-KSU Pet Food Safety Simulation Workshop will take place in Manhattan, Kansas, on Feb. 23–27, 2015.

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is impacting the animal food industry in a big way. For the first time, The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a legislative mandate to require comprehensive, prevention-based controls across the food supply, including animal food. Now petfood manufacturers are working hard to ensure they meet FSMA’s requirements for hazard analysis and preventive controls.

The workshop will help petfood companies get up-to-speed with the newest regulations. In this simulation workshop AIB, K-State experts and industry guest speakers will teach participants how to construct a HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) plan, identify GMPs (good manufacturing practices), establish sanitation procedures and microbial control measures, and develop an environmental monitoring program. The four-day course is targeted to petfood company personnel, specifically food safety and quality assurance managers, line supervisors, sanitation supervisors and operational leads.

“We are very excited about the partnership between AIB and K-State’s IGP Institute," said Carlos Campabadal, IGP Institute feed manufacturing and grain quality management specialist. "This unique training experience will provide petfood manufacturers with real, hands-on experiences so that they fully understand the principles, technical concerns and role of food safety in their facilities.”

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