FDA delays proposed feed regulations until 2010

The Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine issued an update saying that it will be delaying the anticipated release of proposed new feed and feed ingredient regulations until 2010.

The Food and Drug Administration's  Center for Veterinary Medicine  issued an  update  saying that it will be delaying the anticipated release of proposed new feed and feed ingredient regulations until 2010.

The agency noted that its Animal Feed Safety System team has completed writing the proposed regulations and is nearly done with the accompanying preamble, but developing the required economic impact analysis will consume much of this year.

The FDA/CVM update noted that the process-control regulations to be proposed will blend the requirements of a h azard analysis and critical control point  and c urrent good manufacturing practice  approach. The proposed process-control standards will apply to procurement, manufacturing, packaging, storing and distribution of feed ingredients and mixed feeds.

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