AFIA, AgGateway, 'Feed & Grain' announce IT Innovation Award

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), AgGateway and Feed & Grain magazine have announced the first-annual Information Technology Innovation Award, recognizing unique technologies impacting petfood, feed or ingredient manufacturers. The award will focus on companies and organizations that have used technology to improve business practices, increase profitability or savings, enhance customer/supplier relations or become an industry leader.

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), AgGateway and Feed & Grain magazine have announced the first-annual Information Technology Innovation Award, recognizing unique technologies impacting petfood, feed or ingredient manufacturers.

The award will focus on companies and organizations that have used technology to improve business practices, increase profitability or savings, enhance customer/supplier relations or become an industry leader. The winning company will be recognized at AFIA's Board of Director's meeting and profiled in the AFIA Journal and the June/July issue of Feed & Grain.

Submissions will be considered until February 12, 2011.

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