Burns Pet Nutrition saves UK pet shop from closing

When John Burns, owner of Burns Pet Nutrition, took over the lease of Pets Corner in early December, he saved the only pet shop in the town of Carmarthen, UK. The shop's previous owner, Grace Jones, ran the pet shop for 22 years before announcing her retirement and the closing of Pets Corner.

When John Burns, owner of Burns Pet Nutrition, took over the lease of Pets Corner in early December, he saved the only pet shop in the town of Carmarthen, UK.

The shop's previous owner, Grace Jones, ran the pet shop for 22 years before announcing her retirement and the closing of Pets Corner.

"When I heard that Carmarthen was about to lose its only independent pet shop I knew that I had to do something. Taking over the shop seemed the logical answer,” Burns said. “Burns has always encouraged its customers to support local traders. Small local shops are a vital part of the community especially for older customers and those without their own transport."

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