Evermore Pet Food owners to eat dog food during month-long campaign

On March 1, Hanna Mandelbaum and Alison Wiener, owners of Evermore Pet Food Inc., will begin a month-long campaign of eating only Evermore petfood and recipes with its ingredients. The campaign, Evermore Me, is an effort to promote and back the company's human-grade dog food formulas, coinciding with the regional launch into the northeastern US.

On March 1, Hanna Mandelbaum and Alison Wiener, owners of Evermore Pet Food Inc., will begin a month-long campaign of eating only Evermore petfood and recipes with its ingredients.

The campaign, Evermore Me, is an effort to promote and back the company's human-grade dog food formulas, coinciding with the regional launch into the northeastern US. Mandelbaum and Wiener will document their experience and post the results on the company's website. Because Evermore is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional requirements for dogs, the two will consult with a nutritionist to ensure they are eating a balanced diet during the month.

“This is not about the shock value of eating dog food,” said Wiener. “We want to stand behind our claims by demonstrating the integrity of our products.”

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