Packaged Facts offers US petfood market report

Packaged Facts offers "Pet Food in the US, 9th Edition," a report analyzing the acquisitions and capital investments affecting the petfood market. The report provides overall market size estimates and documents shifts in the competitive landscape, new product and retail developments, as well as trends in petfood purchaser demographics, brand preferences, cross-channel shopping and cross-product purchasing.

Packaged Facts offers "Pet Food in the US, 9th Edition," a report analyzing the acquisitions and capital investments affecting the petfood market.

The report provides overall market size estimates and documents shifts in the competitive landscape, new product and retail developments, as well as trends in petfood purchaser demographics, brand preferences, cross-channel shopping and cross-product purchasing. The report also devotes specific chapters to the dog food, cat food and other pet food (bird, small mammal, fish and reptile) segments.

Key cross-market trends and opportunities addressed in the report, forecast through 2015, include: the impact of recession and economic recovery; recent and expected mergers and acquisitions; private-label inroads; advertising and promotional trends like social media and cause marketing; green initiatives; trends in natural and organic foods; grain-free/non-allergenic foods; “meat first” products; weight maintenance and senior foods; customized and preportioned foods; “whole” and human-grade ingredients; and novel ingredients such as glucosamine, omega fatty acids, antioxidants and probiotics.

The report may be purchased for download or as a hard copy from Packaged Facts.

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