My Perfect Pet releases lower-calorie grain-free dog food

My Perfect Pet, a frozen fresh petfood company, released a lower-calorie, single protein source food for dogs called Knight’s Blend. Knight’s Blend is grain-free, formulated with fresh lean beef and vegetables like broccoli, green beans, zucchini and spinach, and is 100 percent complete and balanced based on Association of American Feed Control Officials' nutrient profiles to provide nutritious energy for adult dogs, the company says.

My Perfect Pet, a frozen fresh petfood company, released a lower-calorie, single protein source food for dogs called Knight’s Blend.

Knight’s Blend is grain-free, formulated with fresh lean beef and vegetables like broccoli, green beans, zucchini and spinach, and is 100 percent complete and balanced based on Association of American Feed Control Officials' nutrient profiles to provide nutritious energy for adult dogs, the company says. Knight’s Blend can be purchased in the standard quantity of a 4-pound retail bag with eight food bars or in a 24-pound case with 48 bars total.

My Perfect Pet says it plans to release Ultra-Low Glycemic Chicken and Ultra-Low Glycemic Beef blends in select markets in the next month.

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