Map of UK dog, cat, other pet food facilities

The map shows all the pet food companies in the United Kingdom that are listed in Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data.

Tim Wall Headshot Small Headshot
Bulldog Mirror Dog

Dog, cat and other pet food companies are distributed across England, with a few in Wales as well. However, in Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data, no pet food production facilities or offices are listed with addresses in Scotland or Northern Ireland. The map below shows all the pet food companies in the United Kingdom that are listed in that data.

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Participate in the Top Pet Food Companies survey

The Petfood Industry Top Pet Food Companies project annually surveys pet food companies, always with an aim of expanding the reach and scope of the companies within the rankings. To be considered for inclusion in the yearly rankings, please contact [email protected]. The data is gathered each year through a variety of methods, including direct company contact (a survey is emailed to participating companies), in-depth research and estimates.

News about United Kingdom pet food companies

Despite the ongoing pandemic, a mysterious cat disease and difficulties exporting pet foods to the European Union, pet food companies based in the United Kingdom carry on in 2021.

In March, the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association, the United Kingdom’s pet food industry organization, “raised alarm bells” about the difficulty of exporting pet food to the European Union following Brexit, when the UK officially left the EU on Jan. 31, 2020. On Jan. 1 of this year, the legislative and regulatory changes became active. PFMA surveyed their members on the effects on Brexit on their pet food businesses. Two-thirds of respondents reported inability to export their goods to the EU following Brexit.

On June 16, the UK Food Standards Agency and other organizations advised cat owners not to feed their pets specific recalled pet food products correlated to a rare blood disease, feline pancytopenia. Pancytopenia is a rare condition where the number of blood cells (red, white and platelets) rapidly decrease, causing serious illness. 

The  ongoing investigation did not find a causal link between certain cat foods and more than 130 cases of feline pancytopenia. However, the investigation did identify high levels of mycotoxins in the cat food.

“This includes specific compounds known as T2 and HT2,” wrote agency officials in a press release. “These products are no longer on sale. Mycotoxins are found in some types of feed and food and do not, in themselves, indicate they are the cause of feline pancytopenia. No causative link between pancytopenia and the recalled cat food products has been established.”


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