Trends and innovation experts to headline Petfood Forum 2024

Daniel Levine will present the opening keynote on trends, while Tamara Ghandour will deliver an interactive session on innovation.

Daniel Levine will present the opening keynote for Petfood Forum 2024, while Tamara Ghandour will open the last day of the conference.
Daniel Levine will present the opening keynote for Petfood Forum 2024, while Tamara Ghandour will open the last day of the conference.
Courtesy Daniel Levine/Tamara Ghandour

A leading expert on global trends will deliver the opening keynote for Petfood Forum 2024, and a pioneer of human-centered innovation will present the opening session on the following day, conference organizers have announced.

Daniel Levine, director of the Avant-Guide Institute, a New York-based trends consultancy, works with many companies, including McDonald’s, American Express, Microsoft and Dior, to help them anticipate the coming trends that could most affect their businesses. He leads a large team of trendspotters who track the latest ideas and experiences around the globe.

Author of more than 20 best-selling books and regular TV and radio guest, Levine will open the conference portion of Petfood Forum 2024 with a keynote on Tuesday, April 30, “Barking up the right tree: How consumers, culture and technology are changing the way people will feed their pets.” His insights will guide pet food producers and professionals in understanding approaching trends and turbocharging their innovation.

Unlocking your innovative mind

Continuing the innovation theme, Tamara Ghandour, founder of LaunchStreet and creator of the Innovative Quotient Edge (IQE) assessment tool, will present “Moving at the speed of innovation: Amplifying human capital for business breakthroughs” on Wednesday, May 1. Her work combines her 25 years of business experience with neuroscience, brain mechanics and behavioral psychology.

IQE has shown people around the world the keys to unlocking their innovative minds so they can perform at their peak, create breakthroughs and have a stronger, more valued voice in the world and their own organizations. In her interactive session, Ghandour will show you how to harness your greatest competitive advantage — your unique Everyday Innovator style — to outmaneuver and outperform others in today’s high-pressure, cluttered landscape. She will also present during a Women in Petfood Leadership lunch on Wednesday, May 1.

Ghandour is the author of “Innovation is Everybody’s Business.” She also offers online tools and training, and hosts a podcast, “With Tamara Ghandour.” She has worked with companies like Procter & Gamble, Red Robin, Arrow Electronics, US Army Research Labs, Schneider Electric and Disney, and has run multimillion-dollar businesses and launched a few of her own, learning from her successes and, most importantly, her failures.

About Petfood Forum 2024

Petfood Forum brings together pet food professionals from around the world to network, exchange ideas and move business forward with one another and with the industry’s leading pet food manufacturers and suppliers. The event delivers the opportunity to learn about pet nutrition and ingredients, global pet food market growth, pet food safety, processing, packaging and more, all from leading, recognized pet food industry experts. To register, visit

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