Hispanic pet food buyers influenced by premium packaging

In a survey, Hispanic pet owners were less likely to agree with the statement that they don’t care about how pet food is packaged.

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(axelbueckert | BigStock.com)
(axelbueckert | BigStock.com)

Latino, or Hispanic, pet owners may be a key demographic for premium pet food packaging manufacturers, according to Packaged Facts pet food industry analysts in their report “Pet Product Packaging Innovation.”

The majority of pet owners in general may be unconcerned about how pet food is packaged, so long as the product itself meets their standards. However, in a survey, Hispanic pet owners were less likely to agree with the statement that they don’t care about how pet food is packaged.

“These owners of cats and dogs will be much more willing to accept the premium nature of the food inside the packaging if they are convinced that the packaging itself looks and feels of premium quality as well,” wrote Packaged Facts analysts.

Pet food packaging survey results

In a survey, 70 percent of participants responded that they didn’t care about how pet food was packaged, as long as the food itself was appropriate.

“This can make it difficult if more expensive packaging is chosen to improve on the material properties of the packaging and drives up the cost of the pet food, as only one-third of dog and cat owners agree ‘High-quality packaging of a pet food generally reflects the quality of the food inside,’” wrote Packaged Facts analysts.

However, 64 percent of pet owners who self-identified as Hispanics agreed that pet food packaging was irrelevant, compared to that 70 percent statistic from the general population. Similarly, 46 percent of Hispanic pet owners agreed that high-quality packaging reflected upon the quality of the pet food, compared to 37 percent in the general population of survey respondents.

“This means that including messaging on the premium details of the packaging for pet food is an excellent approach when marketing pet foods towards Hispanic pet owners,” wrote Packaged Facts analysts.

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