Expert opinion: Packaging focus in Europe

Learn about the current packaging trends in Europe, and how they might differ from the North American market.

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As with other segments of the pet food industry, sustainability is front and center in the packaging conversation. | sompong_tom |

Pet food packaging in Europe is facing many of the same challenges as in North America. In addition, packaging legislation in Europe is forcing the sustainability issue in significant ways.

“The drive for net zero and packaging sustainability has seen plastic packaging taxes and extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws becoming hot-button issues across Europe at the minute,” said Susan Ellison, joint owner at OPM (Labels & Packaging) Group Limited. “Here in the UK, the tax was implemented in April 2022, and we have just gone past our first quarter reporting deadline. Other European countries — notably Spain and Italy — have passed similar legislation of their own.”

Effects on European companies

Those companies affected by UK’s new EPRs for packaging will have to collect the correct packaging data beginning January 1, 2023, according to government guidance. Compliance varies depending on the size of the organization.

“While the details differ from country to country, the principles are largely the same,” said Ellison. “The UK tax charges £200 GBP (around US$260) per metric ton of finished plastic packaging components imported or manufactured in the UK that contains less than 30% recycled plastic. Obviously, the issues around food hygiene and recycled plastic mean that quite a lot of pet food packaging components are considered in-scope for the tax.” 

According to Ellison, this means the European market is being forced to adopt innovative, sustainable solutions, such as monomer-based films and plastic-free substrates. Of course, whatever solutions are offered must still provide high barrier and safety performance, protecting the freshness of their contents.

North America slower on legislation

“The issue is progressing more slowly in the American market,” said Ellison. In 2021, Maine and Oregon became the first two states to enact packaging EPR laws, but adoption isn’t expected until at least 2025. Seventeen other states are currently in different phases of introducing or considering EPR for packaging legislation as of April 2022.

“In Canada, several provinces and territories have also passed limited EPR schemes that each have different requirements,” said Ellison. “However, it is fair to assume that the direction of travel is only going one way — eventually, North America will follow Europe’s lead.” 

For the companion article, "Do more with less: Pet food packaging demands increasing,” published in the September 2022 issue of Petfood Industry magazine, see

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