Why more pet food brands are partnering with celebrities

Pet food companies and other pet-related businesses find success in partnering with athletes and celebrities to get the word out about animals.

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Making the right partnership with an athlete or celebrity can expand a pet food company’s ability to make a difference in their community, as well as get the word out about their brand. | fmarsican.Fotolia.com
Making the right partnership with an athlete or celebrity can expand a pet food company’s ability to make a difference in their community, as well as get the word out about their brand. | fmarsican.Fotolia.com

Pet food companies are always looking for new ways to combine brand messaging with philanthropy. Wanting to bring awareness both to the causes they care about most and the products that let them give back to their communities, many segments of the overall pet industry, including pet food, are forging partnerships with athletes and celebrities to get the word out that their company goals include doing good, and in a big way.

Athlete partnerships: A natural fit for stressing the importance of pet nutrition

A former All-American swimmer, Nulo CEO Michael Landa said he grew up thinking about food as fuel and developing a great respect for how nutrition can impact daily performance. That idea, he said, holds true for pets, as well, whether they’re actively inclined or not.

Read the entire article about why more pet food brands are partnering with celebrities in the March 2018 issue of Petfood Industry.

 “At Nulo, it’s not a marketing plan or strategy — it’s who we are,” said Landa of his company’s athlete partnerships. “It’s how we think. As Nulo’s CEO, I encourage all of my employees to live our brand ethos in their everyday lives. We do Spartan races together, run 5Ks and even triathlon relays. I’ve attended Olympic trials with some of my employees and even watched a few compete in CrossFit. Our finance manager is a two-time Olympic gold medalist from London. One of our investors is the most decorated athlete of all time.” 

That athlete is Nulo’s most recent partner, well-known US swimmer and 23-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps.

“Phelps gives Nulo a greater opportunity to connect with our target audience on a broad level,” said Landa. “True to the authenticity that is the hallmark of a strong lifestyle brand, our partnership runs deeper than a famous name and face for advertising. Phelps not only has been feeding Nulo to his two French Bulldogs but is now an investor in the company as well, demonstrating a level of support that goes beyond a typical endorsement deal.”

That Phelps feeds his dog the Nulo brand is vital to sending the right message to customers, according to Landa.

Read the full article.

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