WATT Global Media complies with EU personal data law

In the weeks leading up to the May 25 deadline, WATT will be sending emails to its EU subscribers asking for consent along with a link to the revised privacy policy.

On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes legally binding, affecting all organizations that hold European Union citizens’ personal data. The new law means that WATT Global Media, in some cases, will seek explicit consent of individuals to store and use their data.

“The new law is a challenge but also an opportunity to re-establish relationships with those who use our content to improve their business,” says Joyce Neth, WATT Vice President and Data Protection Officer. “Informed consent from users will provide them with a more effective, personalized environment that will ensure they continue to get receive relevant information that meets their needs.”

Privacy policy links:

WATT privacy policy update

WATT privacy contact form

Upcoming WATT email to EU subscribers

In the weeks leading up to the May 25 deadline, WATT will be sending emails to its EU subscribers asking for consent along with a link to the revised privacy policy.

Website visitors will also see messaging asking for explicit consent to track and store behavioral data about their site visits. According to Neth, the data collect serves multiple purposes: “This data is used to personalize the site experience for each user. We also use it in aggregate to improve the site and provide more of the information our users demand.”

Further, because WATT is a gateway for suppliers seeking to reach its audience of global professionals, “this consent provides additional assurances that users will receive only messages that are wanted and relevant and that suppliers will reach qualified users who will be receptive to their messages,” she says.

Under GDPR, EU users who are current subscribers or actively engaged in our websites and emails have demonstrated legitimate interest in WATT products and will continue to receive email from WATT about its products and services. Messages WATT sends on behalf of its marketing partners will continue to be sent to users who have provided a separate consent to receive them. Recipients can unsubscribe to specific messages or to all messages using the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.

Anyone with questions can send a message to Neth and the GDPR team at [email protected].

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