Rintisa relaunches premium pet food brand in Peru

Rintisa, the largest pet food manufacturer in Peru, has redesigned its premium Canbo brand with dye-free products and sustainable packaging.

Rintisa Canbo Pet Food
Courtesy of Rintisa

Rintisa, the largest Peruvian pet food manufacturer, has relaunched its premium brand Canbo, featuring a new look with sustainable packaging and new formulations.

According to local press sources quoting Rintisa’s spokesperson, Canbo has been in the market for more than 20 years and continues to lead in innovation. With the new Canbo, Rintisa redesigned a nutritionally superior formula, eliminated colorant and shifted toward 100% recyclable packaging, the spokesperson said.

Dye-free pet food, eco-friendly image

Dye-free dry dog food is not a regular product innovation in Latin America as consumers are not likely well-informed on the benefits of colorant removal. Yet according to a brand lead for Canbo, the the dye-free trend in pet food has made inroads worldwide, leading to more premium pet food brands willing to include it in their formulas. Therefore, Canbo, which is continuously researching and innovating, is responding to such requirements, as consumers are increasingly asking for higher quality products and better ingredients for their pets’ daily nutrition. 

On the other hand, it is worth noting that colorants have no adverse impact on the nutritional quality of pet food or its attributes, as colorants accomplish just an aesthetic function on the croquette, the brand lead added.  

According to the article, Canbo seeks to reaffirm its commitment to the environment through innovative and 100% recyclable packaging. Moreover, the packaging includes sealable technology and metallic and matte finishing. The brand aims to communicate a fresher and more modern layout, which uses photographs that reflect the connection and experiences of pet owners and pets. 

Pet food market leader with rich product array

Rintisa is not only the market leader in Peru but also one of the companies with the largest product portfolios. The Peruvian pet food market is not as concentrated as others in the region; just a few local manufacturers have a sizeable market share. This level of concentration is likely attributable to the low usage of balanced pet foods compared to neighboring markets. By this token, there is still room for improvement in educating local consumers on the benefits of pet food. Yet, income restraints are another challenge to overcoming the low penetration of commercial pet food in Peru. 

As another sign of the low pet food usage rate, Peru’s pet food imports represented just 13% of the total local consumption in 2021, according to a Triplethree International report.

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