Raw dog food company K9 Natural adds new cat food

New Zealand-based raw petfood company K9 Natural recently added a new cat food to its offerings as the company's sales of its raw dog food continue to increase, says a recent article.  Founded in April 2006 by former British police dog handler Geoff Bowers and dog breeder Bruce Mayhew, was named in 2011 to the Deloitte Fast 50 ranking as the country's fastest-growing manufacturer and has increased turnover by 300 percent for the past four years to nearly US$10 million.

New Zealand-based raw petfood company K9 Natural recently added a new cat food to its offerings as the company's sales of its raw dog food continue to increase, says a recent article.

Founded in April 2006 by former British police dog handler Geoff Bowers and dog breeder Bruce Mayhew, was named in 2011 to the Deloitte Fast 50 ranking as the country's fastest-growing manufacturer and has increased turnover by 300 percent for the past four years to nearly US$10 million. The company now sells both freeze-dried and frozen meat in New Zealand and exports 80 percent of its products to 18 markets overseas, the largest being Japan and the US.

"People are coming to us now, wanting to stock our product," said CEO Calvin Smith.

The company is also stepping up marketing efforts in New Zealand by selling its food at "pop-up" shops in shopping malls.

"Auckland is a test market for us, for what we are going to do in Australia," Smith said. "We find that if you get in front of people, about 80 percent of them end up being loyal."

The company raised US$2.5 million in late 2011 to upgrade machinery and establish a larger sales network, and is also looking to fill a position of marketing/brand manager.

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