Suziria Group launches charity project

Suziria Group launches charity project.

In honor of its 30th anniversary, instead of a loud celebration, Suziria Group donated almost UAH 2 million and launched the Tails Changes charity project to save thousands of pets' lives. As part of the initiative, the company is starting to rebuild the "Best Friends" shelter, which is located in Ukraine, Kyiv region, and was hit twice by airstrikes and numerous shellings after the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.

Before the full-scale war, Ukraine was one of the ten countries in the world with the largest number of homeless animals. However, after February 24, 2022, the situation worsened several times. The problem of overcrowding in shelters and a significant increase in the number of homeless animals exists throughout Ukraine. However, the most difficult situation is in the occupied and de-occupied territories and on the front line.

On January 18, 2023, Suziria Group celebrates its 30th anniversary, but instead of a loud celebration, the company chose the philosophy of "giving rather than receiving" and, together with one of the largest NGOs in Ukraine, launched the Tails Changes charity project. As part of the project, a group of companies donated about 2 million UAH (nearly 50,000 USD ) to reconstruct the Best Friends shelter and systematically save the lives of thousands of pets in the future. The shelter is located in Ukraine, the Kyiv region, and since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, it has twice suffered from airstrikes and numerous shelling.

"Having developed the pet industry market for 30 years, our group of companies understands all its needs at a fundamental level like no one else. Therefore, investing in the Best Friends shelter is not a random decision. On the contrary, this is the start of larger-scale structural changes among all shelters in our country, where pets without a family will get not only the necessary care but also--most importantly-- will be successfully adopted," says Polina Kosharna, co-owner and head of the Supervisory Board of Suziria Group.

In addition to the reconstruction of the shelter, Suziria Group plans to launch an educational program aimed at working with the founders of other shelters as well as a new approach to the administration system, compliance with international standards in work and the adoption of pets.

The Tails Changes charity project is part of the company's systematic charitable activities. In 2022, Suziria Group handed over more than 128 tons of cat and dog food and about 12,400 units of veterinary drugs worth about UAH 12 million (nearly 300,000 USD) to shelters, kennels, charitable and public organizations, volunteers and private individuals, taking care of homeless animals. The company also actively involves foreign manufacturing partners from Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries to help pets. Today, Suziria Group helps about 60,000 dogs and cats in shelters as well as stray animals.



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